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The association ''Group of Persons Vowed to  Intra-community Development ' ' ,GHOVODI in acronym, is an organization dedicated to the promotion of rights of the woman and the child being the first victims of the war that rage in the East of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Splicing that association without lucrative goal, GHOVODI inhales to recover the direct recipients of his/her/its actions (children and women), first vulnerable of the war and the relative consequences of different violations of their rights in tie with crises vécueses and crossings to the daily in the East of the Democratic Republic of Congo, re-establish. Because these conflicts don't only bring in the immediate the suffering to these thousand of children, women and their families, but they also have some lasting repercussions for the development of populations living in these zones and the Congolese nation.
GHOVODI/asbl arranges but his/her/its radius of action of the social seat in the city of Goma, des antennas in territories of provinces of the North Kivu and the South Kivu, notably Masisi, Nyiragongo, Rutshuru, Kalehe, Uvira,… She is recognized by decrees -laws of September 18, 1965 and July 20, 2001 and is recorded under n° 089/JUST.RC-DH/DP-NK/2002 and having gotten his/her/its legal personality, under F92/11291, n° JUST.GS/SG/20/254/2008.

Vision of GHOVODI

To find all children and women to live without concern.
To participate in the reconstruction of a world without discrimination where the human dignity is respected.
To rebuild a compassionate environment with the positive rituals facing the suffering.

Mission of GHOVODI

The ''Groupe association of Men Vowed to the Intra-community Development '', GHOVODI in acronym, is a ONG founded in 2002, to Goma, dedicated to the improvement of conditions of social and sanitary life of populations victims of the war in the East of the RD Congo,


1.  Health (Sexual Violences Based on the Kind (VSBG), VIH/Sida and domestic Planning, socioeconomic réinsertion)
2.  Promotion of the protection and human right defense (protective Monitoring and Protection of the childhood)
3.  Food security (agriculture, raising)

4. Promotion and protection of the environment (the production of the heating woods, struggle against erosions, the climatic warming up and the exploitation illegal of the protected areas)

To become member, download the card of adherence here

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